At West Borough we value pupil voice, and that is why all of our KS1 and KS2 classes have a School Learning Council representative who has been selected by their peers during our annual democratic elections.
The representatives all receive training that enables them to be effective representatives of pupil voice within our school, allowing them to share the opinions of their peers with the wider school community.
The School Learning Council has been involved in many significant decisions and changes that have been made at our school. Several of these have had a direct impact on the school’s improvement priorities, including:
Dexter - Walnut Class
Alex - Lime Class
Amara - Hawthorn Class
Autumn - Hornbeam Class
Charlotte - Larch Class
Felix - Cherry Class
Kyiah - Ebony
Paige - Maple
Ralph - Cedar Class
Seb - Magnolia Class
Sienna - Elm Class
Toby - Willow Class