Regular attendance and punctuality are important to allow children to achieve their full potential during their time at school.
If your child is ill, please contact the school by 9.30am. This can be done by telephoning the school and leaving a message (01622 726391) or through the ParentMail App - 'Notify Absence'.
The DfE recommends that each child’s attendance should be above 96%. The Local Authority set each school targets for attendance and West Borough’s target this year is 96%.
Below is a summary of our Attendance Policy which has been agreed by the school Governors. We wish to work closely with parents to ensure that this is a success and welcome any comments you may have.
Things we ask you to do:
- Ensure your child arrives at school between 8.35 and 8.50am
- If your child is late, take them to the office and sign them in late
- Telephone the school and leave a message if your child is going to be away for any reason
- You can also notify us through ParentMail
- Send a letter explaining the absence when your child returns to school
- Arrange holidays out of term time
- As per DfE guidelines, we do not authorise holidays during term-time
- If there are exceptional circumstances for the need of leave of absence, please put in writing to the Headteacher
Things we will do:
- Take the register twice a day
- Text after 10am if we have not heard from you and your child is absent
- Send a letter if your child repeatedly arrives late
- Send a letter to ask why your child was absent if we receive no letter of explanation when your child returns to school
- Monitor the registers monthly
- Send letters to alert parents when their child’s attendance falls below 90% for whatever reason
- Monitor closely, children whose attendance is below 90%
- Send a letter warning parents of possible Early Help involvement if there is no improvement in attendance
- Invite you in to discuss continued poor attendance with the FLO and Governors
- Make a referral. Following this, a fixed penalty fine may be issued by the Attendance and Behaviour Service
It is school policy to inform parents when the attendance of their child falls below 90%, regardless of the reasons for absences.
This means that the total percentage of absences will include days of sickness, holidays and medical appointments, plus any periods of unauthorised absence.